Syntax Examples, Program Usage Guidelines, General Tips...all of these and more are found in Section 8 - Using DSL.
If you want to capture the output from a command line session you might like to use the script command.
dsl@box:~$ script
Script started, file is typescript
dsl@box:~$ date
Wed Jan 19 15:26:43 EST 2005
dsl@box:~$ Script done, file is typescript
You hit CTRL+D to stop the recording and you will find a file called 'typescript' in the local directory that contains a log of what was recorded.
If you want to be able to replay these files then you need to record timing information as well as the typescript. Use the -t option to do this...
dsl@box:~$ script -t 2> timing.log
Script started, file is typescript
dsl@box:~$ date
Wed Jan 19 15:26:43 EST 2005
dsl@box:~$ Script done, file is typescript
You will see 2 files in the local directory; typescript and timing.log. You can now playback the files in realtime using the 'replay' command...
replay timing.log typescript
(By Robert Shingledecker)
The timezone shoud be working for US zones.
If you don't do anything the default is EST and setting your BIOS to local
time is OK for most uses.
Now, if you want to try setting your timezone, must be in US, the others
were cut for space reasons. Try this at the first boot prompt:
dsl tz=US/Pacific
This will set the timezone to PST8PDT with an offset based on EST.
or use this
dsl tz=US/Pacific utc
Then the offest will be based on the hardware, BIOS, clock set to UTC time.
You can easily add these boot options during the execution mkmydsl script,
so that your "custom" cd won't require typing them in everytime.
Also useful is the date command to set the system time
# date mmddhhmm (see date --help for all the options )
and then update the hardware clock with this command
# hwclock --systohc
Doing this you won't have to figure out the offsets.
You can query the hardware clock with this command:
#hwclock --show
To see the US zones that are supported take a peek at:
ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo/US
The choice is yours on what time is to be store in the BIOS hardware clock.
DSL RAM-Remaster HOWTO (adapted from a guide by meo)
Change the keyboard-layout (unless you have a us keyboard)
$sudo loadkeys se-latin1 (I have a swedish keyboard)
Mount the partition needed
$sudo su
#mount -rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 (here I store needed files)
Make the directories needed
#mkdir source newcd newcd/KNOPPIX
Copy necessary files to /newcd
#cp -Rp /cdrom/boot newcd
#cp -Rp /cdrom/lost+found newcd
#cp -Rp /cdrom/index.html newcd
Copy the sources to the right directory
#cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* source
#cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile source
Go through and copy wanted things to /source
#cp -Rp /mnt/hda1/backgrounds source/etc/skel/.fluxbox
#cp -Rp /mnt/hda1/styles/* source/usr/share/fluxbox/styles
Create the custom compressed image file
#mkisofs -R source | create_compressed_fs – 65536 >
Then REMOVE the source directory if you have just 256 MB of RAM
Create the iso-file as follows
#mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b
boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/ -hide-rr-moved -o mydsl.iso newcd
Copy the iso-file to the partition where you have your favourite cd-burning program
#cp mydsl.iso /mnt/hda1
Burn. Voila.
(Posted by roberts in the forums)
I do not use the qemu-img program. Instead I do everything from DSL.
To make the pseudo harddrisk I used the following 2 steps from DSL.
dd of=harddisk bs=1024 seek=60000 count=0
mke2fs harddisk ( ignore the warning and proceed )
There are files on the default 60MB harddisk. The backup.tar.gz is there.
Since qemu is a "known" virtual machine, it has a pre-made backup.tar.gz on hdb The sound blaster modprobe is in the opt/
If you make a larger pseduo harddisk, with a different name of course, then mount both the 60MB and your new one.
Something like this:
mkdir /mnt/test2
mount harddisk /mnt/test -o loop
mount newdrive /mnt/test2 -o loop
Then copy over the backup.tar.gz.
cp /mnt/test/backup.tar.gz /mnt/test2
umount /mnt/test
umount /mnt/test2
Then you can delete the 60MB one, rename the larger one to harddisk and you should be good to go.
For those of you who need to get DSL working from behind your company's proxy server, here's what worked for me......
edit the .bash_profile file in the /home/dsl directory (it's a hidden file, so if you're using emelfm, then you'll need to click on the "H" button to find it)
add these two lines after the first "export" statement in the file
export http_proxy=''
export ftp_proxy=''
save the file.
when you shut down the system the new version of the file will be written to the backup file, next time you reboot it will all be set for you.
If you want it to run immeadiately without rebooting, then exit the Window Manager and type .bash_profile from the prompt and hit enter.
Now all the mydsl panel applications will work and you can apt-get manually to your heart's desire. Loading that flash plugin off the menu is a breeze....
Note that adding the lines into /opt/ didn't work for me. I think it's because when that gets processed the logged in user is "root", whereas when .bash_profile gets processed the system is logged in under the "dsl" user.
Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't use this environment variable, so you still have to set up the proxy definition seperately in Firefox itself.
Hope this helps others who are in the same situation I was in....
(Thanks to Max in the forums...)
How to install a printer in DSL
Created by clivesay from the DSL Forums
(editors note: screenshots have been removed, but instruction and order should remain the same.)
Access Apsfilter by clicking on the "Printer Setup" button in the DSL Control Panel
The first screen of Apsfilter asks you to accept the license agreement. Enter a "y" and press the key.
In this screen the author asks if you would like to request his mailing address. You would normally enter "n" and press the key. You can enter "y" if you would like the authors address.
Just press the key here to enter the Apsfilter setup.
Press the key to continue
This screen shows the permissions for apsfilter. You should just have to enter "y" and press the key.
This screen allows you to setup a new printer or change an existing one. We want to add a new printer so enter an "a" and press the key.
Now we are ready to add our printer settings. For this example we are going to setup an Epson Stylus C62 printer that is connected via a USB port. For normal printing, you will only need to fill in values for sections 1, 2 and 3.
Type a "1" and press the key
Here we will choose the appropriate print driver for our printer. I recommend starting with the drivers under the option 4 gimp print menu. The drivers in this menu seem to work well with most printers. If you cannot find a suitable driver, you can try drivers under the other menu options. Choose "4" and press the key.
Here are our navigation options while searching for our driver. Press the key to continue.
Here is the first screen you will see. We will hit the enter key to scroll through the screen until we find a driver that references our Epson Stylus C62 printer.
After scrolling down a short time we find "29 - Epson Stylus C60 [stp/escp2-c60]". We will want to remember the number "29". when we get to the end of the list. Press the key until we get to the bottom of the list.
Now enter the number "29" and press the key to choose the Epson C62 driver. You will be asked if you want to accept that driver. You want to answer "y" and press the key again.
We have selected the driver and now we want to tell Apsfilter how your printer is connected to your PC. Enter option "2" and press the key.
Our printer is connected to the PC via a USB cable so we will choose option "1". Choose option "1" and press the key.
We are working with a Linux OS and most likely your printer is on the port LPT1. Since we are connected with a USB cable we will want to use the option shown under the LPT1 option that says "USB under Linux". Under "Full path of the parallel print device:" we want to enter:
Full path of the parallel print device: /dev/usb/lp0 press the key
If we were using a parallel printer cable to connect to the PC we would have entered /dev/lp0
Option 2 shows 'parallel' but that is OK. That value will show for parallel or usb port printers. We are now ready to define the paper format. Choose option "3" and press the key.
We want to choose our paper format. I will choose "US Letter" for this example. Choose option "3" and press the key.
Now we are ready to test our printer by printing a test page. Choose "T" and press the key. You will be asked if you are sure you want to print a test. After a few seconds, a test page should start to print. If you do not get a test page, you may need to go back to option "1" to ensure you have chosen the correct driver for your printer. Another thing to check would be the device path in option "2" to make sure there isn't a typo in the path name.
After the test page is successful, press the key to return to the main setup menu.
If your printer is setup properly, we are ready to finalize the installation. Choose the "I" option and press the key to give your printer a name.
Here we will enter the name of our printer. If you just press the key your printer will be given the name "lp". We will name our printer "EPSON_C62". Press the key to continue.
Press the key to accept the printer name.
Congratulations! You have setup your printer. You can setup more printers if you like. We will choose option "Q" to quit Apsfilter. You can hit the key repeatedly to exit Apsfilter and get back to the DSL Control Panel.
You are almost ready to print. Open a console window so that all applications will recognize your printer.
Type "export PRINTER=EPSON_C62" substituting the name of your printer for 'EPSON_C62'
Now you should be able to use your printer in all applications. Congratulations on setting up your printer!!
Now we need to start the printer daemon before we can print in applications. Click on the "Printing/lpd" button to turn on the print daemon.
If you are running a regular hard drive install, you are done. If you are running from USB, CD or frugal install with the backup/restore features, there are a few more steps to complete to save your printer settings.
THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR LIVE CD, USB and FRUGAL install options utilizing the backup/restore features.
Open the Emelfm file manager and choose the "filetool.lst" file in the /home/dsl directory. Choose the file and click the button.
In your filetool.lst file you will want to add three entries. I have separated them from the others for illustration. The last entry must contain your printer name. For our example, the entries would be as follows:
Now we want to go to the /opt directory in Emelfm to add some commands to the file. This file contains scripts you would like to run when your PC boots up. Choose the file and press the button.
We need to enter the same comand in that we entered in the console earlier. This will allow all apps to use your printer without you having to enter your printer information.
This is one more option you can add to if you would like the printer daemon to start automatically at boot. As shown above, add /usr/sbin/lpd and save.
That's it for this howto. Enjoy your printer!!