0.b - Getting DSL from the 'net

This is the first step in preparing to install DSL.

There are a variety of ways to get DSL, many of which may be explored on the main DSL website. For simplicity's sake we're going to assume you just want to get the files you will need to install DSL onto a CD, USB key, Hard Drive, or some other USB Device.

In the following documents you will be referred to DSL images (ie. bootusb-x.x.img & dsl-x.x.x.iso). These are the actual images you will need to install DSL to media.

At the time of this writing is the latest DSL version supported by these FAQs.

You can always visit the main DSL website to find the latest mirrors and such to get your hands on a copy of DSL.

That being said, the only thing left to do is actually download the files.

Using your favourite browser or FTP client (or even bittorrent) you will need to visit a mirror site and simply download the version of DSL you want.

We'll assume you're reasonably knowledgable with the FTP protocol and want to get the latest version.

Open your favourite FTP client and change to a local directory you wish to keep the files in, if using command line FTP simply:


ftp ibiblio.org
username: anonymous
password: anon@mouse.com
cd pub/Linux/distributions/damnsmall/current
get bootusb-x.x.img
get dsl-x.x.x.iso


You now have the necessary files (in most cases) to install DSL.

If you're wanting to do an embedded install simply find the version of embedded DSL you wish to use and download the dsl-embedded-x.x.zip.