To add/change icons, open EmelFM and click on the "H" in the upper left hand corner to show hidden files.
In your /home/dsl directory you will see a folder called .xtdesktop. When you open you will see your icons.
The .png/.gif files will be the icon image. The associated .ink file will contain the information that activates the icon. Bring up this file in your favorite editor and see how to create/change icons. It is very self explanatory. The "X" and "Y" entries determine the desktop location of your icon (in pixels).
If you add/change icon info you need to restart the WM to see the changes. It is a menu option in DSL. Just go Window Manager >> Restart.
(Thanks to Clivesay)
DSL is based on Debian, so it is possible to use apt-get after a hard drive install once the dpkg database is restored.
To restore Apt, open the menu and go Apps >> Tools >> Enable Apt
Or, if you are in runlevel 2 (console mode) type "sudo dpkg-restore"
Or, you can grab the dsl-dpkg.dsl from the MyDSL Repository and install it using the directions in 3.1 of this Documentation.
However you get it, once dpkg has been restored, you need to bring it up to date.
To do so, open a root xterm and type "apt-get update".
After the process is finished, you have the ability to grab most anything from Debian Stable!
Now for the warning:
DSL is not derived purely from Debian, if you 'apt-get install' the wrong application you may break something, for instance, the X servers.