I use both the live cd version 2.0 and the embedded version which runs in Qemu on my Windows XP machine. Both are just great additions to my software collections and do just what I need them to do and do it VERY well. My machine is an AMD 1800 Athlon w/ a 1.5 gig processor and 256 meg memory, v.i.a chips and onboard video. The speed at which dsl runs is fantastic. I am connected to the net with dsl,, thus I am running DSL with DSL lol. The Qemu embedded version runs just as quick as any dial-up I have ever used and very frequently faster than that. I do not do much other than surf the web and write e-mails and make documents so this package takes me waaaay past where I need to go and has the added advantage of being snoop free. Dillo is a small and LIGHTNING fast browser and this is a boon to me as I like to view several topics from a webpage and I can have them loading in new tabs while speedreading and things go VERY quickly. There is no java with Dillo, but I do not miss it since I am reading text for the most part and the pure SPEED is just flat exhilirating! Firefox 1.0 is also included in dsl 2.0 live cd ( I am writing this comment from it ) and it is also right speedy, plus it will load all the pretty pictures and so forth. Damn Small Linux has always found ALL my hardware and loaded into useable form in a minimal amount of time in EVERY computer I tried it on. It is EASY to use, and after trying 14 other distros , mostly live cd's, over a period of 8 months, this one gets both my thumbs up and a couple raised fists as well.
In addition, the weakest computer I tried the live cd on was an old Packard Bell, with a 233 mmx Pentium processor, a 2.6 gig hard drive, 64 megs of memory, and Windows 98 with a Creative Soundblaster sound card and a 3-com 56k modem (US robotics) and a Trio video card. Damn Small Linux recognized EVERY bit of that, loaded from boot to run in about 5 minutes or less and I was connected to the net and running at a better speed than that computer had ever run at before! Impressive to say the least.