Ok, now to cut the umbilical cord from the jukebox and get the wireless nic running. At $14.99 from Fry's, that Airlink nic has to be one of the best buys ever.
During some previous research on the web, I saw that the AWLH 4030 is supported by the Madwifi project. Just as I was about to go down the slippery slope of using CVS to obtain source code and then attempt to compile it, I saw a post from roberts saying that madwifi.dsl had been posted in the testing section. Ya Hoo!
Installed the package and ran madwifi_setup.sh, but had no joy. I'm not so sure why it didn't work for me, and truth be told after the first failure I went to the source and read the docs at: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo Heres what ended up working for me:
modprobe ath_pci
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
ifconfig ath0 up
This brought the card up perfectly, and after modprob'ing the scan utilities, I could see the 3 networks that exist in my apartment complex. I'm glad to see that the other 2 don't use any kind of encryption. It makes it easy for me to test, and also makes mine the last choice for someone to hijack a ride on.
More later on getting connected to my encrypted network.
iwconfig ath0 essid "tifnrog"
iwconfig ath0 key