Cool Things

Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly

IBM does Linux
IBM websites devoted to Linux

Hand-cranked linux laptops
cheap laptops for the third world

USB Victorinox
Enjoy with style!

Multi-Language Calendar
with a twist... or maybe a fold...

Where are DSLers
....a way to track them, kinda.

In the spirit of Holiday Spending
websites that can save you some money...

GMail Drive
use Gmail as a storage medium

Radio Shack Presidian PIC
Person Internet Communicator in a box

dsl and slax
strange mixture

bootable Samba floppy disk
samba file-server

Text-based PIM

Parabolic reflector
Helps with wireless networking

Another free browser....
neat concept

Free Tech Books
mostly web published books

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