HD Install

Installation in VMWare SCSI 0:0

Dual Boot not happening
Puppy boots..DSL doesn't

tp240 pcilib problem

4.4.7 won't recognize my Kingston flash drive

Frugal Install Problems

Thinkpad 770Z Questions

persistence issues

frugal stalling

Installing on SATA disk
Cant copy modules. wont boot.

What flubox theme is this in dsl?

Trying to keep the backup option uncheck
Trying to keep the backup option uncheck

can't locate module block major 8
can't see flash drive after hd install

uanble to use flash drive with 3.4.12

How can I get DSL 4.4.4 to look like 3.3 desktop?
I have the DSL book with contains 3.3

dsl internet and damn small 3.3

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