User Feedback :: why not save more RAM free, and not wasted ?

why it is "*1.1" in "linuxrc" and not any value less than "1.1" ?

line 421, code:
SIZE="$(/usr/bin/du -s $COPY | /usr/bin/gawk '{print int($1*1.1)}')"
for the original DSL 2.0, this will make about 4.5MB RAM wasted.

(when boot with option "toram", the "/cdrom/" is on RAMDISK but
read-only, so I say it is "wasted")

if I remastered DSL and make "KNOPPIX" size up to say 70MB, this
will make about 7.7 MB RAM wasted.

this is meaningful when boot on some "small RAM" machine.

so I reduce the value to "1.01", and it work without problem.

Looks good. Look for this 2.1RC3 rsn.
Thanks for sharing.

original here.