User Feedback :: Index page translation

Thanks struppi!


Italian index page is here:
La Potenza del Pinguino in 50 MB

1)Google javascript must be somehow optimised, as you can't imagine european visitors clicking on "Donations for the victims of Hurricane Katrina" or similar <EDIT>: After a few hours some ad start appearing in Italian, so it self-updates or something</EDIT>.
2)I had to degunk a lot of tagsoup
3)Any Italian speakers that think the translation is not good are welcome to submit their own, I don't mind!

"as you can't imagine european visitors clicking on "Donations for the victims of Hurricane Katrina"

i made a donation for the hurricane victims! :p

Don't get me wrong, they deserve donations, but the content wouldn't be appropriate for a Google ad frame.
At the end of the day you want to make money from it, not carry a political message. Or not?

>i don't think that many german users will order usb drives from the us

Actually, we get our share of USB and CD orders from Germany, and an occasional hardware order.

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