User Feedback :: xfree & kb


i d like to report that i had a lot of fun with your distribution :)

just two things i gota complain:
1st: keyboard layouts
it would be very nice to have the possibility to change the keyboardlayout when x is running (setxkbmap) because people like me like to type the english or even a dvp (programmers dvorak) but sometimes friends just come arround and want to  write mails - this is when the letters at the keyboard have to match those on the system because most of them search EACH key :)

on the other hand it didnt even work to set lang=de at boot time  (y/z where swapped, but ¨ or @ (altgr+q) where unusable) - i had no time to investigate that and typed english - sorry

2nd: x refresh rate
it is still nessesary to set it for the old crts - i know that a lc panel looks fine at 60 hz

xvesa --screen1024x768x16x80 did NOT work, but installing xfree, editing the config and the echo XFrree86>~/.xserverrc  (was a acceptable way for 3-4 boots but i dont think that a normal user could find that out.)

maybe something will change in this directions until the next time i explain linux to some newbee :)


original here.