User Feedback :: Ideal machines to run DSL on?

Kruser619, Win98 sucks.  Can it, DSL will be so much better and stable.  I hated Win98, NT 4.0, Win95 and Win3.1 that all were so lame.  I still to these day don't understand how Microsoft was able to become so successful with those OS's.   Those OS's were bottom of the barrel.  

Win2k and XP are much more stable, but you still have to deal with Microsoft.  

DSL will be a perfect match for that older machine you have.

Sorry everyone for the typos...  I have a habbit of not proof reading before I send.
Heh, I've got it working on an ancient 486DX/75 with 28mb of RAM.  At a dazzling 640x480x4 bit color!  Besides being hideous to look at for anything other than basic text and graphics (you just do NOT want to see it dither images) it works great!  I'll be leaving it on my boat to do wifi access point mapping.  Way to go DSL!
I am surprised you haven't picked up a old video card to get better color, but if you are just doing text stuff, I guess it doesn't matter.

I bet though you could pick up an old ISA SVGA card for $2 on ebay or a garage sale.  

Hey, still great news.  I think it is great people are still using 486's.  I wish I still had my old ones.

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