User Feedback :: I need wine every day, but I never drink alcohol!

I still would recommend getting more RAM....with a 300Mhz processor and light ram like that you are still suffering due to heavy swappage...if you could kick the RAM up to 64 or more your machine will seem more responsive...I would venture to bet by a factor of 2x-4x as fast!

RAM is the key to linux...the more you  have the faster that sucker will run!

With Damn Small Linux I would almost state the "optimum" RAM target level for older hardware is 64-128Megs...anything below that creates sluggishness, anything above that is just icing on the cake~


Here are four links that deal with linux audio and recording.  The first one is very simple and is probably what you want (just to record) and use CRON to set up dates/times to record or a script using the AT command to specify a time after a certain event.

original here.