User Feedback :: Can I create free training?
My name is Mitchell Buchanan and I am going to start teaching DSL to Linux Newbies and would like permission to make flash training Videos to give away. I am not a Linux expert, However I do quite well with basics, and I am a Computer Instrutor for a career choice. So who do I ask?
p.s. My first class will be on 4/8/2006 and I will be donating $1 for every student that takes the class, not much but maybe it will help
I'm sure if you donate something back to the DSL project they wont mind..
I recommend purchasing the DSL book to give you ideas on what to teach (however the book itself is copywrited I believe) it should give you a general idea of where to start teaching and what to teach
Perhaps the people who are creating the DSL book might be interested in your support and expertise as well...perhaps drop them a line and see what they say
Mitchell, you have our blessing, thanks. Also, would it be possible to get a copy of your materials and videos?
Yes when i get each one done I will upload it to a folder online and give you complete access to everyting
So, at last, we have solved the documentation problem, lol
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