User Feedback :: copy and paste problems

Why won't it let me choose text in Dillo and paste it into some other application, like beaver or vi? Cannot select text using mouse on an xterm screen (it selects the text but I can't paste it into anywhere else for whatever reason).
If you are attempting to use ctrl-v to paste that won't work.  You can use the centre mouse button or use shift-insert (shift key and insert key).  Ctrl-c will still copy but you don't need to use it if the text is highlighted you can use shift-insert or centre mouse button and it will paste.  The only issue I have found is that when you highlight something in dillo and use ctrl-c you can't paste that into the address bar within dillo, you can paste into other windows though.
Try using the mouse methods as explained in the Getting Started document.
my mouse only has two buttons and clicking both at the same time does not paste the selected text. thanks for your replies.
I mainly use a  two button mouse with cut and paste daily.

You need to specify that you have a two button mouse.

Try booting dsl with the xsetup option and navigate to get to the mouse section.

Then it will work.

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