User Feedback :: Bugs in current version of DSL
I have found sometimes when I close applications they continue to run.I have downloaded a few things with the "wget" command in bash and then closed the xterm window and the file has continued to download. I also found after being in a Yahoo chatroom using Gaim that I was still getting IMs after leaving the chatroom. I have also noticed that once I activated the backup command that I lost all my icons off my desktop and the only way I can get them back again is to install another DSL program that places an icon on the desktop. Has anyone else experienced these problems?
I don't know anything about Gaim, but I'm guessing the thing with wget is that the command is probably being backgrounded. Like i said, it's a guess.
The icons do not remain for mydsl packages because it's unnecessary. If you backup your icons without reinstalling the packages, the icons will point to nonexistent programs. If you set up the packages to auto-install, the appropriate icons will also be reinstalled with the package, so there is no need to back them up.
If you have customized icons, you will need to add them to /home/dsl/.filetool.lst
I am actually losing all my icons, firefox, xterm, beaver, ted, the whole lot including the mydsl applications that are burned onto my CD and automatically loaded at startup. It appears Gaim and wget are doing the same thing, any way to check and/or prevent them from backgrounding?
I couldn't really say....i was guessing about the backgrounding, and it doesn't look like wget is beig backgrounded while it grabs mydsl extensions. It could be built into the Busybox version of wget, though...i have no idea.
If you lose ALL of your icons, the problem is often the result of one bad *.lnk or image file in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop which causes xtdesk to halt. When you start X, do the icons flash for an instant and disappear? Do you get any errors when you run the xtdesk command from a terminal? What myDSL extensions are being automatically loaded?
FYI, I had that happen once. My fix was to select the full enhanced desktop menu link to restore my icons and then do a backup to my pen drive with the backup/restore button in the DSL panel. I don't know if that would fix your case, but it might be worth a try.
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