User Feedback :: Review of new member posts?

Here is the question, can someone have to review the first 5-10 posts that someone places? This would cut down on some of the spam/junk? I would volenteer for the first round.
I volunteer to review the first 3 lines of your current post.

I hope you re-read what you type.

Moderation is one thing, preventive censorship is another.

Sorry, perhaps I have not understood. But I believe 300c_pilot talks about the received post unrelated to technical topics about DSL they had to be removed by the administrators. (For example photographs)
Yes Piccolo, you are right. I posted this after seeing a spam pharmacy post. pr0f3550r, I do not want a censor/person to edit a post, just make sure it is not trash, before it gets in the forum. I am a member at and they review all members first 10 posts, to make sure the person is legit and is looking for help or to help out, not out to sell something on there forum.

I volunteered because I am willing to help; however anyone in this position would be held accountable for their actions. I feel we should do anything possible to reject spammers.

As far as re-reading, was this because of a spelling error or free speech in general?
Smooth flights...

There is a way to add something like this

would it be possible to implement a validation procedure for forum registration that utilizes one of those squirely characters on a grid-gif things?  Those aren't readable by machines and would require more effort on the part of the spammers to register.  There are several "registration bots" out there. I think that something like the "type in what you see" things (obscured characters on a gif/png image usually) would help reduce the spam registrants...
I know what you mean, but can't think of the proper name for this feature....
Edit: the name is "captcha".

Checking the forum admin configuration indicates that the "Enable Visual Confirmation" (which "Requires users enter a code defined by an image when registering") option is already turned on.
Edit: and a quick test indicates it's definitely enabled:
Code Sample


The forum guys at Smoothwall Express just added this and it really helps alot in cutting down on the spambots and crap

I can almost guarantee that this form of billboard has the same kind of thing


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