User Feedback :: 3.0 hangs while booting
It gets to
Probing SCSI... aic7xxx.0
and just hangs there.
I have a nForce3 motherboard, Sempron 2800, 2 SATA drives. I don't have any SCSI drives. I've successfully booted and ran Ubuntu, Puppy, Slax, and Austrumi without any problems. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.
Use cheat code >dsl noscsi
dsl is designed for older computers.
SATA drives are not normally installed in older computers.
There is no support for SATA drives in 3.0.
You may wish to try dsl-n, which does not have a size limitation which prevents me from using a newer kernel and much more device support. Use the right tool for the right job. Realize what dsl is all about.
actually, for me (and i bet for lots of others), dsl is all abou carrying your own desktop with you on a USB key or a small device. and that small device should be bootable on all computers.
Thanks for the info everybody. As Ivo said, DSL for me too is about having one OS I can use on my own computer and carry with me in my pocket on a business card CD that I can use on any other PC with a CD drive when I'm traveling. I just put together this SATA PC so I didn't realize till now that it didn't support SATA. The problem with DSL-N is it won't fit on a business card CD, and you often run into older PC's that can't boot from USB. Oh well, I guess this is just a problem that can't be solved in 50 MB.
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