As I see it, a script, which is inherently open source due to its plain text content, needs only a copywrite notice and not a license. Since there is a copyright notice included, in plain text, you know who the author is and where to go for permission to reuse, modify, and/or redistribute it.
It baffles me that there is any issue at all about this subject.guys i just asked to get enough knowledge about the License and nothing much. Possibly i may customize applications for my desktop if its open source . thats it.Whoever started the thread has adked a legitimate question. There's no point warming up, unless you are very insecure of what you're doing.
About Knoppix: is it free software? I don't think so, yet I use it because it's good.
Nobody is blaming DSL mantainers, but this is something that all distros sooner or later have to go through.
About source availability, this is less important than the confusion about copyrights issue.
I ask you all a question: is or is not DSL a binary rework of Knoppix? Or do you develop from a CVS? Knoppix is itself a binary rework and I expext DSL to be the same. All binary reworks sooner or later are questioned about copyright and licence issues. I am a very bad developer but I have long been lurking debian-legal mailing list to know about the issue.
About Puppy: I have never managed to make it work but the amount of documentation deserves respect.
I expect that both DSL and Puppy developers contributing to this thread will show a bit more maturity and less personal insults.The Knoppix distribution is released under the GPL, and therefore is free:
If not otherwise specified, the software on the CD falls under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
Individual packages, as specified by the GPL, may fall under another license (for example Netscape).
DSL doesn't contain the non-free, non-open-source software that can be found in Knoppix, and so it is entirely open source, and entirely free. This doesn't mean that it is all GPL, however, so it is expected that you contact the author of any script you wish to use for more than personal use. As far as I know, all included binaries are GPL or compatible with GPL (MIT, BSD, etc).My scripts, the ones that have my name on them are GPL v2, you can reuse them according to the terms of that license.
Okay, so this thread doesn't go down in a pit of ashes I am going to close it.Next Page...
original here.