User Feedback :: Help! Can't boot DSL
I have this problem:
When I'm on the screen where DSL gives you the option to press enter and continue charging or press F2 or F3, I press enter at boot: line in order to continue, but after that the screen goes black and nothing happens.
Any idea what this could be?
By the way my computer is and AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (1.66Ghz), with 256Mb RAM.
Thank You!
try typing> dsl vga=normal and then hit enter
Already tried that, but it still doesn't work...
perhaps try downloading a new iso and burn at slow speed(4x is reccommended) using a cdr. what kind of vid card?
start with booting:
dsl base 2 nohwsetup nofstab
and see if that works. I think that is pretty much the minimum you can boot with. You could also try to add noagp, nofirewire, nousb, noscsi, etc... just to start then leave them out if it boots until you isolate an area that causes the problem. It may be video realted or it may be hardware detection related.
Also, what version of dsl are you trying? This is important because a couple of versions use a newer kernel and atleast one version uses unionfs at default. Let us know any further info you can so we, as a community, can help solve this.
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