User Feedback :: DSL -what makes you to go for this OS

DSL is the only distro I've found that will not only install on a 13 MB laptop but actually do something useful, like browse the web on the color TFT framebuffer and has a fairly recent kernel and build tools so one can actually compile a network driver!  Ndiswrapper support being built-in is also nice for when I get that wireless cardbus card and put this old laptop back in the field.

I did have to do a few things to make DSL work well with such a small memory space: 1) Install to HD  2) Create a 64MB swap file so it can actually load Dillo and post this message.  3) Copy the network driver, kernel and build tools to CD to transfer to the laptop.  4) Compile the network driver.

Old 13MB laptop: Free
DSL Linux: Free
Wireless cardbus card: $2

Look on people's faces when they see how old my laptop is: Priceless.

Old PC, Less Filling.
I love this because i had an old computer sitting around and decided to start a server but the computer is so old no other linuix would work on it......This is my first time to Linux but i love it! The computer is so old it is a 233 with 60m in it and it is fast and works great as a file windows......
Simple, Fast, Functional, FUN any level

Every time I think to myself Hmm wish it could do THAT..I discover it will do that..and as grumpy as I get in the attempt to get there the result is always ha... cool... yes it does do that.


i chose this because it is the only linux distro that would reconise my hardware, aside from dsl-n, but that diddent work very well (had trouble reconising removeable storage)
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