User Feedback :: Configure Windows Boot Loader
You CAN configure your system to boot Linux from Windows boot.ini, even if Linux is installed on a linux partition that Windows itself cannot read. Windows doesn't need to be able to read the partition in order to boot it...DOS can't read NTFS partitions, but it can still boot them.
The problem is that it is a complex task compared to installing and configuring Grub.
You can find a number of tutorials quite easily with a google search.
It's easy. Install the boot loader to your LINUX partition, not the MBR, not windows. Save it to a file with (don't quote me on this/complain if it's wrong) "dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/whereever/whatever.bin bs=512 count=1"
Then email that to yourself, put it on a disc, whatever, so windows can have the file. In windows, put the file in your system root (C:\) and in your C:\boot.ini, make a line that says c:\whatever.bin = "Linux"
original here.