User Feedback :: emelfm crashes frecuently

When coping data to USB disks (like sdax sdbx) with emelfm, the program crashes most of the times but the data is copied on background so y have to kill emelfm and emelfm.bin in order to close emelfm
crashes? frequently?
I think that's the first time i've heard that.  You sure you don't have a hardware problem?

What happens when you start emelfm.bin from a terminal and try the copy?  When the "crash" occurs do you get any error messages?

What happens if you use mc instead of emelfm? Isn't that much better? =o)

Well, maybe one of my hard disk (ext2 FS) is quite damaged but it doesn't seem to be the problem because the data is copied well.

when i try to see file properties, It crash
when I copy to SCSI it crashes most times

Most times I use Midnight Commander instead of emelfm

My computer is an INTeL P4 3.0Ghz whith multi-thread
partitions are NTFS ext2/3 and reiserfs (and a 256mb swap)

Chances are the dsl boot image may have been damaged, if so 'reinstall' your dsl OS (download new image & burn to CD, usb, etc. or resetup your HD install).

For the filesystem open a termial shell and use the command fsck -a /dev/'filesystem name' (hd**, sd**, etc)

For more help on using fsck type 'man fsck' to read the manpage on use of this utility.

Good luck!

original here.