User Feedback :: need some help here....

Just started to play with DSL
(frankly i just started back on linux after no unix for 8 years.... so I am still looking for my way around. Think to me as an 8 years old beginner okay ?)

Can anyone help on this ?

I can identify I have a colormap problem (from the way the screen looks like, ie, not readable) Additionnally I see no icons at all on the desktop; I have been able to download office locally but cannot run it.

When doing ctrl-alt-backspace to quit the GUI I see this:

apm: overridden by ACPI
insmod: :lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/arch.I386//kernel/apm.o: init_module: no such device
insmod: hint: insmod errors cfan be caused by incorrect module parameters, including IO or IRQ parameters.
You may findmore informaton in syslog or the outpur from dmesg
insmod:lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/arch.I386//kernel/apm.o: insmod char-major-10-134 failed
IMLIB ERROR: cannot find palette/ A palette is required for this mode
./.background: line 1: 2013 segmentation fault xsri --scale-width=100 --scqle-height=100 /usr/share/fluxbox/backgrounds/a_pinguin_with _a_hat.jpg

thanks for any hint.... I'd like to have this work...

to see the icons, edit the file call "desktop"  writing in console vi desktop push "i" to enable write, and change the line "icons:0" to 1, esc and then ":", and write "wq" to save and quit.
that file is in /home/dsl or :rock: i'm sorry i can't remember.....:D
sorry for my english and bye...:cool:

chpnp, You should delete option noapm and add acpi=off.  These will turn on APM and turn ACPI off.  Good luck  :D

Code Sample
title DSL-2.4
kernel (hd0,3)/boot/linux24 knoppix_name=KNOPPIX root=/dev/hda4 quiet vga=791 acpi=off dma noscsi restore=hda2 mydsl=hda2 usb2 frugal
initrd (hd0,3)/boot/minirt24.gz

original here.