User Feedback :: install on harddrive and rebuild kerenl


i want to install dsl on my harddrive.

here is my question. can i still install the dsl extra pacages after harddrive install? and can i compile kernel 2.6.17 and install it insted of the current kernel?


I have DSL installed to harddrive and I never had any problem adding a .dsl package file.  I tried a .uci file and it didn't unmount correctly and I ended up reinstalling.

I never tried to update the kernel so I don't know what it might do.  I heard that DSL-N has a newer kernel but I haven't tried it yet.


I once rebuilded a kernel, but it took me 1 week to get it done ...
I wanted to insert the orinoco USB wireless driver in the kernel.
And yes it works. but it was hard to get all the necesary tools up and running. DSL is not create/designed todo so.
But with a good mind it's possible.

Regards and have fun


original here.