User Feedback :: I always come back...

Here I am again... My new Dell Inspiron B130 with Windows XP preloaded and nothing to do... Then I decide to check what's going on in DSL planet.  Out of boredom I decide to download the iso for DSL-N and DSL (current) and then I burn the CD thinking "I'll have to geek a little with the resolution..."

And what do I get?  The most polished desktop I've ever seen.  DSL has come a long way!  Of course, I also try DSL-N to find that your office suite is very close to what I want (I still would like to have a nice presentation software like OOo Impress but I can live without it...)

Of course, I could not get my Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card to work (I haven't researched the topic but from what I have learned I need to install ndiswrapper and other things as well as configure some files but I am yet to find a moron's ndiswrapper guide for DSL) so I couldn't surf...  :(

Anywho... Kudos for DSL and DSL-N I am awed by your philosophy...

:D  :D

Have a look in the repositry of UCI files - OO is there.
Wait, wait...  Install ndiswrapper?  Nah.  It's included in the distro!  You do need to copy your wireless drivers from your cd to your computer first.  There'll be a .bat, .inf and .bin file.  Copy these to a folder in your Home directory.  Open the DSL panel and choose ndiswrapper.  Type in the full path to your .inf file in the first line (ex: /home/dsl/.wireless/LSBCMNDS.inf) and hit OK.  It should work like a charm.

It does for me.

As for Open Office, it is in the .uci repository.  It is also available as a normal .dsl extension under Apps.

original here.