User Feedback :: Battery power monitor on desktop

From .torsmorc
${color #ddd}Battery:  $color ${battery}

So it is displaying the percentage represented by {battery}
Is there any code for how {battery} gets the percentage figure, a script or something ? If so where can I read it. I'm looking for how it actually calculates or finds the percentage remaining. Thanks.

I would guess it is getting this by calculation from a combination of:


On my laptop, in terminal :
cat /proc/acpi/battery

gives cannot open file - no such file or directory
so I think mine is using apm, where would it calculate it from with apm ?

If your laptop uses apm, sorry - I have no idea.

In case your laptop uses acpi, is it disabled by a boot code? Is the battery module loaded?

When DSL boots up it says in Blue
Skipping APM bios detection as requested on boot command line

Boot command is
kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda3 quiet vga=788 noacpi noapm nodma nosci frugal
initrd /boot/minirt24.gz

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