User Feedback :: DSL LiveCD Booting Error

Hi. Long time (ab)user of DSL for a lot of basic things, and i'm just about to inherit a laptop which I plan to rip to prices, vinyl dye, and then put back together with a CF card in place of the HDD with DSL Frugal on.

Anyway, this is unrelated to that at the moment. I've had the problem twice, with separate .ISO images, noe for v3.3 and the other for the latest 3.4

it gets to the Debian/DSL option menu just fine and once it starts booting, two tux images appear at the top of the screen, the line below flashes for a few seconds and then nothing is loaded.

Now, I am writing this to an 8cm CD-RW, but I've done it before with no problems whatsoever.

The MD5's match on both files. I got the first from the LMP torrent, and thought that might be the root of the problem however the 3.4 was form a solid mirror and nothing was different.

I;ve tried it on two computers (admitidly one is a very antiquated test-bed with a shitty CD drive, but still the other's a good one) and both have the identical problem. I know my main comp has booted from CD-RWs fine in the past (it's even booted DSL from it).

I've even tried a 2nd mini-CD-RW with a mind that maybe this old one has had too many DSL images written onto it now, but no. still the same.

any ideas?

You don't say much about your hardware. Need more info and also with other devices may be  plugged in.

Try removing other devices and see if it boots.

Try booting "failsafe" and let us know what happens.

both systems had previously booted DSL (3.1 and 3.2 as well as much earlier versions deep in the past) fine.

Anyway, I've solved the issue now, I needed to burn the CD-RW at 1x speed to do it, so I guess it was just writing errors...

original here.