User Feedback :: Book Errata

Page 122, "There are also some types on how ..."
Perhaps, "There are also some tips on how ..."

Well, it looks like the money they paid for their professional editing service will need to  be returned.
Page 126, "Next you will be presented with a question about drive location, as shown in Figure 6-4."

I believe the drive location was established after the display looked as is recorded in Figure 6-3.  Figure 6-4 appears to include the responses to the installation or upgrade and the location of the DSL iso questions.

Perhaps this sentence is a remainder from a previous edit of the book text and needs to be reworked to match the current Figure set?

Page 127, "Next you are asked to choose language options: ...; and so on."

"and so on." presumes two things are known by the reader, the language designator abbreviations being used are the International Standard designations (if that is true) and where one finds the designations for the other languages if another is needed.

I would not bring this up if I was not under the impression this book is written to allow the use of DSL as one's entry into the *nix community.

Additional question, do all the applications in the LiveCD support the same set of languages to the same degree?

Page 130, "Before the script proceeds, it needs to know if you are installing DSL for the first time or are upgrading.  The dialog is shown in Figure 6-8."

With the exception of the reference to Figure 6-8, isn't this what the previous paragraph stated?  Perhaps the Figure reference could be incorporated into the previous paragraph and the remaining sentence, "Before ... upgrading." eliminated?

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