User Feedback :: Book Errata

Are you going to do this for the remaining 300+ pages? Is there any way to exempt this thread from the view of new posts if you're not going to just keep a list of these on your own computer and post them en masse? Are you related to Mrs Jackson, my anal-retentive 10th grade honors English teacher? I'm having flashbacks. :(
Quote (lucky13 @ April 18 2008,17:36)
Are you going to do this for the remaining 300+ pages? Is there any way to exempt this thread from the view of new posts if you're not going to just keep a list of these on your own computer and post them en masse? Are you related to Mrs Jackson, my anal-retentive 10th grade honors English teacher? I'm having flashbacks. :(

If I published a book, I'd want DSLR on the payroll!   Interesting the number of errors he's found that nobody else noticed (or I'll speak for myself, anyway), and on a board full of anal-retentives (perhaps also OCD's).
Still, he better should have used the edit button xD
If I published a book, I'd want DSLR on the payroll!

Big difference between putting someone on a payroll and getting flooded with 30-something one-line editorial suggestions, often several in one day, in a half year-old thread related to a now half year-old book. I don't mind the arm-chair editing (if it keeps'em off the streets...), just the incessant bumps an old thread gets. The same thing could be accomplished by keeping a list on one's own computer and then pasting the suggestions/corrections here once or even once a week -- especially if it continues at the rate of an entry for every four pages (he's presently on course for 100+ "errata"-related posts).

(I have a theory about DSLR's identity and it has nothing to do with my menopausal wreck of an English teacher. Hint: "known issues.")

Quote (lucky13 @ April 19 2008,09:48)
(I have a theory about DSLR's identity and it has nothing to do with my menopausal wreck of an English teacher. Hint: "known issues.")

If true, he more likely would have been correcting the pictures.
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