User Feedback :: Great but could someone help a little bit

Many thanks Juanito. I am sure this is a case of stating the blindingly obvious. My apologies.


Installing the latest version of rdesktop - NOT WORKING!

For those of you who are new to linux. This isn't very straightforward.

1. Download the latest version of rdesktop from

2. You need to download / install gcc-with-libs from MyDSL (UNC) and also download / install openssl-includes (System). These enable you to compile the program from C that it is written in.

3. Navigate to your download folder (probably /home/dsl) and find rdesktop-xx.xx.xx.tar.gz, right click and decompress.

4. Navigate to that folder at the terminal prompt and do the following commands:

a) ./configure
b) make
c) make install

I start getting error messages like can't find -lcrypto and so on. Having started this, it is really beginning to get ugly...

Has anyone had experience of this?

Many thanks.


If you don't want to fiddle around with lua you could just use icons or lists elsewhere, i.e. xdesktop, wmdrawer, or links/scripts that you can run through emelfm (these are just a few examples...)

Re: compiling rdesktop (interesting that you didn't just want to grab the binaries, but I'll continue):
Afaik it depends on ssl, so you'll need to download and install libssl/libcrypto

Thanks for the advice on the alternaives to .lua manipulation. I will investigate all these.

(interesting that you didn't just want to grab the binaries, but I'll continue):

Er... can you tell me a bit more here. It sounds like I have missed something very obvious. I'm all for the easier way. There's so much to learn here...

Many thanks!


Binaries are what's produced after you compile.  Granted, if you get precompiled ones they may have conflicts due to different systems, etc. such as grabbing things from apt. But since you are already half-way done compiling, I would take the time and try to figure it out. (or try both ways)
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