User Feedback :: Firefox

Before voting you may wish to try FFv2-gtk1 with your current hardware.

You can test it by using the firefox-2.0-gtk1.uci this is located in the uci section of the MyDSL repository.

i voted to update firefox! firefox v2 is way better than the v1 and v1.5 series, it would be really cool if it even could be included as a .dsl package
I use Firefox 1.0.6 daily with DSL and have been for a while and it is fairly light and I have not had any problems with it.  Never has it crashed or locked up on me, and if it has I cannot remember.  I have only used the Firefox 2.0 extension a couple of times.  I also use the latest flock browser when I have gtk2 loaded and am on a machine with the horsepower to pull it.  I like them all.  But my vote was to remove Firefox from base DSL.  
It would free up considerable room to either add additional apps/updates, and would leave a smaller base.  Firefox 1.0.6 could be available as an extension just as the other browsers in MyDSL are.  The choice can be left to the user.  I think a major web browser like Firefox is big enough to be in the extensions area.  Experienced users would just add Firefox to their list of extensions to load.  And newcomers to DSL could even have a link in the menu to fetch Firefox if it was needed in the transition period, like the early versions of DSL had if I can recall.  My vote to remove Firefox does in no way mean I do not like it.  I like it and Opera as well, and they both would be nice as extensions.  I would be happy with or without Firefox in base DSL.  This is just my $.02 on the matter.

I agree with Jason. I voted to take it out by balancing that some users will want GTK2 instead of GTK1, Opera instead of Firefox, etc., against the amount of space required to implement Firefox. Dillo is adequate for users to be able to do simple browsing, access the forums, etc. Make all versions of Firefox extension -- 1.0.6 for older hardware, 2 with GTK1 and GTK2, and before too long Firefox 3. Let users decide and then allocate the room it would take up for more modules, more utilities, etc.

FWIW, I'm using the latest Firefox/Bon Echo GTK1 build (see March extensions discussion with newby) about 75% of the time and Firefox 3 beta the rest of the time. The GTK1 build isn't very lightweight, but it's a bit more nimble than the standard Mozilla GTK2 build.

One more option I wish was under consideration if you want to keep the base similar to the status quo is replacing Firefox and Sylpheed with Opera. I know there are issues since their source is closed, but size-wise it would be similar and Opera is faster than Firefox speed-wise.

And newcomers to DSL could even have a link in the menu to fetch Firefox if it was needed in the transition period, like the early versions of DSL had if I can recall.

I think this is the perfect solution.  I have been using firefox-2.0-gtk1.uci almost from the time I found DSL and on Windows for some time now.  I like it a lot better then older versions.  I vote to free up the space but make it way too easy to get it if desired.

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