User Feedback :: PNY USB Attache 2G Drive

I have a 2G PNY USB Flash Drive (Attache) and DSL 4.3 won't recognise or mount the drive.  In emelFM I get the
following error.

mount error:

mount:  relocation error:  mount:  undefined symbol:  blkid_known_fstype

What can I do to get this USB drive mounted?

It mounts on my Ubuntu 8.04 machine under
Filesystem type msdos.

Ubuntu Properties:
UUID: 2B26-639B
vfat (16)
rw, nosuid, nodev,
relatime,  uid=1000 fmask=0077

dmask=0077 codepage=cp437, iocharset=iso8859-1 shortname=mixed utf8

What am I missing?



I seem to recall others having problems with large flash drives.
2g is not large. try low level reformatting. eg. gparted.
I booted Ubuntu, inserted the PNY 2G USB, ran Gparted, and told it to unmount the drive, did a reformat for FAT 16
and still have the exact same problem.

What are your suggestions now?


did you delete the partitions and re-create them in gparted ?

personally I'd give up myself and buy another brand (pendrives are so cheap these days).

but for enthusiasts, there is a specialist article on the net (that's been mentioned here before) that's a pretty good read. There's a few good tips for modifying the mbr and/or bootsector if you're up to it. The article is primarily for 'booting' but may also help with 'recognising'.

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