User Feedback :: PNY USB Attache 2G Drive

Don't go zeroing sda in ubuntu!!

Ubuntu uses the libata layer, and your *main* hard disk will be sda there.

Don't go zeroing sda in ubuntu!!

Edited previous entry accordingly. Thanks.

I found a website that led me through another testing

It works until I get to the statement that says.....
If everything went smoothly, you should be able to see the device:

I get a invalid block device error.
What about trying:



What about trying...

There's no guarantee that using a different filesystem will solve this problem, especially if the device itself has some issue. And I would almost be willing to bet that's the problem since at least one of the reviews of that brand and product line noted it went undetected in one particular distro (which, ironically, is the one in which you got it to work). As I've written already, such issues can be quirky and affect use in one OS or one distro but not across the board. Hardware, especially media, can be like that. It could be a problem with their quality control and limited to certain sticks or it could be more pervasive because of something they're doing that they shouldn't -- I just don't know.

Using ext2 also will prevent your device from working in Windows unless you have a functional ext2 driver (such as ext2 IFS) for Windows; that's a different subject for someone else to discuss because I don't have any experience with that and have questions about file permissions between operating systems (since Windows doesn't observe r-w-x permissions the way Unix-like systems do).

Thanks for your help.....I've given up for now.


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