User Feedback :: DSL FAQ Boot camp - Bring a helmet.
Q. How do I autostart "enter command/filename/service/whatever here"
A. Enter the commands such as a modprobe to start a device, command to start a service into the /etc/rc5.d/S99bootlocal file.
Here is an example:
#!/bin/bash # put other system starutp command here /sbin/syslogd modprobe sb <-----start soundcard /etc/init.d/rc.firewall <-----start firewall (must have ke4nt1 rcfirewall.dsl installed) /etc/init.d/ssh start <----start ssh
Brian AwPhuchHere is a few quickes:
Q) Why does my wheel mouse not work? DSL says it detects it!
A) DSL's skimmed down version of X does NOT support the wheel function of the wheel mouses. You can however use it as a third button
Ok... Sorry to interupt but this is extreamly freaky! I just clicked the middle button (The wheel) and it pasted this:
I control everything. Where you live, where you work, who you talk to, who talks to you,
I just booted my computer too so this is a bit odd... I must have just copied it with out knowing but I don't understand where I could have. The only thing I have done was go to this website.... Let me try again:
Just a bunch of space.... I swear I am not pulling anyones leg here.... I am kinda freaked out!
All of my wheelmice scroll with the wheel function just fine..
The "middle" button is how you "cut&paste" in DSL.. highlight a block of text with a left button "click/drag" Release when your wanted text is all highlighted... place your mouse cursor in a pasteable area DO NOT LEFT CLICK. simply position the cursor where you want to paste...
Now click the MIDDLE button (scroll ) You just pasted..
And the text you saw "Where you live, where you work" looks to be a part of SaidenUnleashed signature post..
73 ke4ntOH god... I am such an idiot *smirks* But what I ment was that the scroll function didn't work though it does work as a button (As you explained).heh, you cannot escape the epitaph of root.