User Feedback :: DSL FAQ Boot camp - Bring a helmet.

Brian, Sure send me an HTML of the latest walk-thru. The floppy install is a needed howto. I also need to "harvest" more from this thread. I need plain simple HTML and it needs to have wide appeal and take into consideration that  DSL was designed primarily to run from liveCD and compressed type installs.
Actually, Aiku, Links just doesn't support cross through. I went on with firefox and see it perfectly. Once again, Thanks for the unhelpful post Aiku!


Mark this one down.....

Q. How do I edit the text that appears at boot?

Code Sample
cp /cdrom/boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz .
gunzip minirt24.gz
sudo su
mount -o loop minirt24 /mnt/floppy
cd /mnt/floppy
scite linuxrc
#### make your changed to the text (it's after the echos)
umount /mnt/floppy
gzip minirt24

Thanks Clacker!!

I have been thinking. (This is dangerous.)

Perhaps the easiest way to keep this FAQ up to date, indexed and searchable, etc. would be to turn it into a wiki.

Is this a good idea?


A wiki would be a brilliant idea for the FAQ
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