User Feedback :: New DSL Theme/Icon Contest

Smartmlp that's a great background image, anybody want to design a fluxbox theme to compliment it?  Maybe something with some color to contrast the gray?
<n00b question>
how do you make fluxbox themes?
</n00b question>


This message is best viewd with your eyes :p

Best way to start is to experiment with existing styles.  It's a text config file, semi-self-explanatory, just edit one that's a bit like what you want, save it as a different name, and start tweaking the colours.

Just edit in beaver or your text editor of choice.

As soon as you save (your own styles should go in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/styles, which will be empty if you do a clean boot), your style will show up in the "desktop/styles" list.  Click it to see what's changed.  Tweak and save.  Click it in the menu again each time you want to see what a change has done.

Can't remember where the built-in fluxbox styles are kept in a clean boot of dsl.  But you could always try downloading one from the mydsl repository, these extract to above said address.
(some of this does not apply to fluxbox 0.1.14)

You can also download the "whitebox" extension from the myDSL repository and use it to edit existing themes or create new ones.
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