User Feedback :: What countries is Damn Small Linux running in?

Its not mean to be down to the wire accurate. The map isn't even really accurate, if it was, Texas would have its big pointy thing sticking down into mexico..blah blah blah) I mean come on, really...

So ok, its just for visualizations sake. ;)

Each user gets a dot, doesn't constitute one dot..we WANT the map to have more red ;p if it was supposed to be accurated i'd make everyone give me GPS coordinates and write a program to do it for me ;p then the map would have to be to scale. hehe.

hannover, germany.

"don't mention the war!" ;)

let's add the different foreign translations for "Damn Small Linux". in krautish it's "Verdammt Kleines Linux" :D

Tronik, if you could stick a second dot half way up the UK that would do nicely
for Manchester.....cheers....

LONDON.  (Thats south-east London please Tronik, on your map)
Trying to spread the word about DSL and Linux generally - it gets home to friends eg. when they tell me about the new PC. they have bought with XP which still needs mozilla or Firefox loading on top because of security and the Norton stuff they bought for viruses, and then they see DSL working on a machine a lot older than the one they just chucked out.

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