User Feedback :: What countries is Damn Small Linux running in?

Thanks for your effort at keeping up with this, tronik..

Really nice to see a visual display of distribution...

Any chance at getting other maps, like Europe, US, etc?
( thinking about more detail - zoomed in view, etc.. )

Pretty soon, it'll be a big red blob in all the populated areas..
Then what ?  :)

again, tnx..


When it begins to become big red blob, You start doing density... ;) Denser areas will get a brighter colour (ie. yellow)

That map was never meant to be detailed to that respect..that'd be very...tedious.

As far as more detail...Um...Thats a bit more time than i'm willing to devote to it right now...if you find an easier way, be my guest, let me know and i'll keep up with that one =)

I'm actually looking at an easier way right now, that lets users put their own mark on the map. ;)


DSL is running in the beautiful islands of the PHILIPPINES! :)
DSL is amazing. Detected all the hardware of our old computers in the office and at home. DSL is also DAMN FAST!!! :D

Athens, Greece
can't wait for the first dot in Greece:)
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