User Feedback :: To all the new Frugal installers

maybe uses the same algorithm as gzip, but i have no idea

When using the highested compression each block is compressed using either gzip or 7zip, depending on which offers the greater compression ratio.

Interesting topic. I'm still running DSL from a CD but I'm gonna try it as soon as I'll install my new 120 Gb HD.
By the way, I have translated the FrugalHowTo into Spanish.
You can find it here:
It's done with Scribus 1.2.1  (maybe someone could make an Scribus 1.2.3.uci? thanks in advance).

Frugal rocks...

You prolly wont need more that a gig or two...but man its so simple to setup and run and is 1000x more resiliant than a HD install!

I still have a few questions about it, but it works very very well!



This is pretty cool.  Did a frugal install today.  HAd a bit of problem trying to get it onto 2 hard drives.  DIdn't really need to as the image is so small.  SO, dropped to one drive and it's working great.  Have used RH6, Knoppix, and Feather.  Got a bit tired of the lib dependencies issues with HD install debian style.  WIll try this awhile.  Haven't got the persistent myDSL stuff working right yet, but there's always tomorrow.  

Clivesay!  - Weren't you a feather forum regular?

Actually you dont need 2 drives...all you have to do is partition 3 partitions...

1. 50-60Meg partition for Frugal cd image (bootable)
2. However big partition for swap (if you need it)
3. However big a partition is that you want your /home and /opt directories to go to...

If you goof and forget to put the /home and /opt to the 3rd drive, you can then go in and edit the grub boot loader (after you install it (by right clicking and going to tool)) to use that 3rd partition and it will build em on the fly..once they are there the NEXT time you reboot the data/changes and all that will be permanent

The MyDSL apps go in the root directory of the 3rd otherwords not in a folder...just stick em in there and boot will autodetect them, same goes for the uci files


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