User Feedback :: Dual-Booting with WindowsXp?
Hello again.
This time I would like to know if I can dual boot DSL with WindowsXp, and how might I go about doing that?
Will this speed up DSL any?
Also, is there any way to speed up DSL when I run it from Windows?
I dual boot DSL 1.5 (& 2.0 soon!) with Windows XP Pro on a Toshiba notebook and it works fine for me. My understanding is that Windows must reside on the first partition on the drive, so I installed XP first on the first partition, then created ext2 and swap partitions for DSL, then from the live CD did a Grub frugal install from the DSL menu and made sure I answered "Yes" when the script asked if Windows was installed on the first partition.
Re speed, running DSL from the frugal install on this notebook (600MHz PIII, 320MB RAM, 4200RPM? HD) is somewhat faster than running it from the live CD, and even faster when run in RAM (with the "TORAM" startup option), but I don't think there's any speed difference based on whether or not Windows is also installed on the HD (other than having to take the time to make the OS selection from the GRUB menu).
Re embedded, I'll leave that to those that would know...
In the event you want to remove DSL you can rebuild the MBR using the XP CD and go to a command line and type
original here.