User Feedback :: Swap problem in dsl-2.0
I happen to have a ~600MB swap partition on my hd that I don't need for dsl since I have 1GB ram; dsl finds and enables it unless I boot with 'noswap'.
In dsl-1.5 toram it didn't matter whether this swap was on or off - it never got utilized anyway as there was plenty of ram. So I forgot about it.
On dsl-2.0 toram, when copying the source tarball for dsl-2.0 (36.9mb) from my pendrive to /home/dsl with emelfm, at first nothing happened, though the copy seemed to be very slow. Then the center of the emelfm display vanished (as if something was hanging) and the yellow swap use bar on the dock app shot up to 642560 and stayed there after the copy had finished (for the first time - it's always been zero).
# vmstat -s
1033364 total memory
1020040 used memory
478892 active memory
468976 inactive memory
13324 free memory
3916 buffer memory
555164 swap cache
642560 total swap
388688 used swap <--*
253872 free swap
46187 non-nice user cpu ticks
0 nice user cpu ticks
7028 system cpu ticks
315833 idle cpu ticks
0 IO-wait cpu ticks
627920 pages paged in
421423 pages paged out
2 pages swapped in
0 pages swapped out
494433 interrupts
3081695 CPU context switches
1133531356 boot time
4292 forks
# swapoff -a
# swapon -a
frees up the swap again (back to 0 *) as follows:
#vmstat -s
1033364 total memory
1018628 used memory
476488 active memory
467636 inactive memory
14736 free memory
3916 buffer memory
939852 swap cache
642560 total swap
0 used swap <--*
642560 free swap
57010 non-nice user cpu ticks
0 nice user cpu ticks
8127 system cpu ticks
499082 idle cpu ticks
0 IO-wait cpu ticks
628860 pages paged in
421483 pages paged out
3 pages swapped in
0 pages swapped out
719936 interrupts
3825471 CPU context switches
1133531356 boot time
4297 forks
While I can always keep the swap off, I don't think swap should be getting utilized for a file copy onto my ramdisk when I have 1GB ram. Some extensions are loaded during boot but none of these caused this before.
Never mind. On rebooting, this issue seems to have gone away (good). Something to do with transitioning from 1.5 to 2.0. Mystery.
I spoke too soon. It hasn't gone away. Much more swap than ram is still being utilized for largish file copies.
DSL now utilizes a portion of a swap partition (if available) to add to its ramdisk. This is to prevent or postpone problems resulting in the ramdisk filling up. So copying large files into /home/dsl would affect both ram and swap.
I think this was in 1.5 too, so maybe that's not the issue
Seems like the solution is to boot with
dsl toram noswap
if you don't want to use the swap.
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