X and Fluxbox :: X & Y Window co-ordinates... Able to disable?
The JWM documenation says that this can be done by adding coordinates="off" to the MoveMode and ResizeMode tags in .jwmrc, but it seems to be a new feature that doesn't work in DSL.
The better window manager to use is always left to the user to decide. JWM is more familiar to Windows users, and i think it's a little smaller than fluxbox. Personally I've been experimenting with many window managers over the last five years, and I still prefer Fluxbox to any other.
I like JWM becaus it uses two less processes to operate than Fluxbox. The apps are noticeably faster in JWM over Fluxbox. I also like the way the Windows lock to full screen.
However, I like fluxbox because you can make it look really pretty and the tabs are a great feature. I also like that you can customize it so easily.
I like fluxbox as it was easy to customize. I never used the start button in windows, I used a pop up freeware menu, drawer is similar. so jwm was not familiar just oddly different with duplicate menus.
Mikshaw..what do I do with the drawer code..not haveing luck..thanks
adding...got it.. [exec] (WMDrawer) {/opt/wmdrawer/usr/bin/wmdrawer -c $HOME/.wmdrawerrc2 && wmdrawer}....thanks
original here.