X and Fluxbox :: modifying DSL desktop
Are talking about the toolbar? I just changed the line in /.fluxbox/init to this->
session.screen0.toolbar.tools: iconbar, systemtray, clock
What style are you using? How did you remove the Workspaces frm the toolbar and then move the workspace boxes to the right middle? That is adecent rendition of Fluxbox and I usually hate using Fluxbox.
The style i'm using is called "Xbox" . The workspace name is removed by changing the line in .fluxbox/init to "session.screen0.toolbar.tools: iconbar, systemtray, clock". The boxes are moved to the dock by changing the line in .xinitrc to read like this "fluxter -w &>/dev/null &". Right click the dock and choose placement right center.
Here's the Xbox style with the original background->
Here's the background you can right click and save as ->
Here's the style you can copy and paste to a empty text document->
style.name: fluXbox
edited by
toolbar.borderWidth: 3
toolbar: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.color: #525252
toolbar.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.justify: center
toolbar.textcolor: #77c21d
toolbar.shaped: TRUE
toolbar.button: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.button.color: #bddb01
toolbar.button.colorTo: #1f6612
toolbar.button.picColor: #000000
toolbar.button.pressed: sunken bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.button.pressed.color: #1e1e1e
toolbar.button.pressed.colorTo: #525252
toolbar.clock: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.clock.color: #525252
toolbar.clock.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.clock.textColor: #77c21d
toolbar.label: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.label.color: #525252
toolbar.label.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.label.textColor: #77c21d
toolbar.windowLabel: raised bevel gradient vertical
toolbar.windowLabel.color: #525252
toolbar.windowLabel.colorTo: #1e1e1e
toolbar.windowLabel.textColor: #77c21d
menu.title: raised bevel gradient vertical
menu.title.color: #525252
menu.title.colorTo: #1e1e1e
menu.title.textColor: #77c21d
menu.title.justify: center
menu.frame: raised bevel gradient vertical
menu.frame.color: #1e1e1e
menu.frame.colorTo: #525252
menu.frame.textColor: #77c21d
menu.frame.justify: left
menu.hilite: raised bevel gradient vertical
menu.hilite.color: #bddb01
menu.hilite.colorTo: #1e1e1e
menu.hilite.textColor: #000000
menu.roundCorners: topleft topright bottomright bottomleft
menu.bullet: triangle
menu.bullet.position: right
window.justify: center
window.title.height: 24
window.title.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.title.focus.color: #525252
window.title.focus.colorTo: #1e1e1e
window.title.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.title.unfocus.color: #525252
window.title.unfocus.colorTo: #1e1e1e
window.label.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.label.focus.color: #bddb01
window.label.focus.colorTo: #1f6612
window.label.focus.textColor: #000000
window.label.unfocus: sunken bevel gradient vertical
window.label.unfocus.color: #2e2e2e
window.label.unfocus.colorTo: #616161
window.label.unfocus.textColor: #77c21d
window.button.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.button.focus.color: #616161
window.button.focus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.button.focus.picColor: #77c21d
window.button.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.button.unfocus.color: #616161
window.button.unfocus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.button.unfocus.picColor: #77c21d
window.button.pressed: sunken bevel gradient vertical
window.button.pressed.color: #1e1e1e
window.button.pressed.colorTo: #525252
window.frame.focusColor: #1e1e1e
window.frame.unfocusColor: #525252
window.handleWidth: 8
window.handle.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.handle.focus.color: #616161
window.handle.focus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.handle.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.handle.unfocus.color: #616161
window.handle.unfocus.colorTo: #2e2e2e
window.grip.focus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.grip.focus.color: #bddb01
window.grip.focus.colorTo: #1f6612
window.grip.unfocus: raised bevel gradient vertical
window.grip.unfocus.color: #525252
window.grip.unfocus.colorTo: #1e1e1e
borderColor: #2e2e2e
window.roundCorners: TopRight TopLeft BottomRight BottomLeft
bevelWidth: 4
borderWidth: 1
handleWidth: 5
*Font: -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
rootCommand: xsri --scale-width=100 --scale-height=100 ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/fluXBOX.png
original here.