X and Fluxbox :: TuxCommander and executables...

i have installed the TuxCommander Extension to DSL 3.01, what musst i do to start a executable file via doubleclick ? in efmlm all works fine... but TuxCommander has more the feeling of my TotalCommander from Windows... :-)

I can setup some actions for filetypes, but the questions is: what is the right filetyp for executables ?

I suppose you meant an icon on the desktop?  There may be a menu entry.

There's probably some guides in the wiki, and you could check out other forum posts as well.

If that extension didn't come with an icon, you could always repackage it with one and resubmit it :)

I think he's talking about configuring filetype associations within Tux Commander.

Executables aren't really a filetype in Linux as they are in Windows.  Any file could theoretically be executable, and generally file managers go by either the file header, the filename extension, or a combination of both.  So it may be a complex task to associate all executable files.

I don't know anything about Tux Commander, but it would be much simpler if it could read file permissions and determine what to do then.

There's also the complication of shell scripts.  Some will run fine, as long as they are not interactive.  Others may need to spawn a shell in which to run...otherwise your application will be running with no way to interact with it.  Midnight Commander deals with this fine because it's already running in a terminal.  I'm not sure if Tux Commander has this ability.

I know this doesn't answer your question, but i thought i'd throw some stuff out there.

mikeshaw is right.. the realy big problem is in TuxCommander (tcmd), that tcmd cant handle MIME Types. So the only way is it to made file associations (and actions) via the file extension (in my stupid mind)...

but i think tcmd is a from the gui one of the best filemanagers available (since im using under windows TotalCommander). worker is an alternative, but the interface is terrible and gnome commander is very buggy...

original here.