X and Fluxbox :: Adding a kdrive X server
I recently discovered Damn Small Linux and damn! I have to say I am really impressed.
It's just what I was looking for my Via EPIA.
I do, however, have one question about the distribution: are all the delivered packages vanilla packages? Or have you added some special patches to it?
The thing that bothers me is the 50Hz refresh rate.
For each resolution, the refresh rate is 50 Hz.
I installed Windows 2000 <g,d,rvvf> on it and I could set a refresh rate of 85 Hz for a 1024x768 display.
So, I know the vga card can handle higher frequencies than 50.
I searched for the source files of the kdrive x server and I noticed there exists a Via driver.
However, I do not know its capabilities but I'm willing to build it and find it out.
But before I do a build for 3 hours, I'd like to know if I can simply grab the vanilla X sources.
Are these fully compatible with the system or did you make some changes in the sources ?
I saw it's licensed under GPL but I just ask it to be sure and I don't do a 3 hours build for nothing.
Kind regards,
I think you mean 60Hz, the standard refresh rate.
TinyX server only supports this mode afaik... if you want more funtionality you may try out the XFree86 packages available in myDSL.
original here.