X and Fluxbox :: How can I use my keyboard to move the mouse ?
The 9 key did the same on my computer also. I used gcc1-with-libs.unc and gnu-utils.unc and the accessx source from here http://www.disability.uiuc.edu/accessx/freewareaccessx.html . I compiled it in DSL 3.0, by just running make (did not hack any of the files). I didn't notice any errors - but with the 9 key not working correctly for both of us, I may go back and check.
I used gcc1-with-libs.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl with that source. It still doesn't compile for me. A whole bunch of Xkb* undeclared errors.
The "9" thing doesn't really smell like a compile time issue. I would assume that the --make-all-keys-work configure option is included by default.
OK, something doesn't work for me, this is what I did step by step:
0. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to break server.
1. sudo mydsl-load /home/dsl/XFree86.dsl
2. sudo mydsl-load /home/dsl/xf86config.dsl
3. sudo mydsl-load /home/dsl/accessx.dsl
4. copyed /home/dsl/XFree86_config_files/XF86Config-4_vesa to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
5. copyed /home/dsl/XFree86_config_files/.xserverrc_for_XF86 to /home/dsl/.xserverrc
5. ax +mousekeys
6. startx
Ctrl+Shift+NumLock \ Alt+Shift+NumLock \ Left\Right all failing...
What am I doing wrong ?
I'm so sad :-(
Winter Knight - The only errors I received where about some depreciated headers - I am using .unc files and DSL 3.0 if that makes any difference
Ramik - It appears that accessx needs to be started after an X server is running. To do this, add the line "xterm -e ax +mousekeys" (no quotes, in a new line) after "torsmo 2>/dev/null &" in the /home/dsl/.xinitrc file. You can use "nano" or "vi" to edit files from the command line. This should run accessx when you run startx. It was working on my system anyways.
OK, let me just re-install DSL (should take about 20min on my 100mhz 32mb :-) ) and I get back to you on how it went...
*I uninstalled to test out the new debian GNU\Hurd, it didn't even boot I guess nothing had changed since the last time I tryed to do that ( was it 2 years ago ?! ).
One day I'll play Duke Nukem Forever on GNU\Hurd !
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