X and Fluxbox :: jwm desktop icons disappears when...

I am using DSL embedded.
I have written this line in .xinitrc before "dillo" line:

aterm +tr -T "Bash" -e /bin/bash --rcfile ~/.bashrc-ini &

I want to install (from .bashrc-ini) two extension only when the system boot, and I want to write "state messages" on this terminal that inform to the user about the installation process ("Please, wait ..."), in order to prevent the user begins working with these extensions (tools) when they haven't been installed yet.

Everything is working fine, but, if I close this terminal when the installation process is finished, every icon disappear from the desktop . I would like to prevent this, could you help me?

Maybe there's something screwy in .bashrc-ini

In any case, writing a new script to auto-install extensions is wasting your time. This feature is already built into DSL. Use the "mydsl=something" boot option to point to a partition or directory containing your two extensions, and they will be installed.  This will be done before the user logs in, so the state messages are also unnecessary.


Thanks for your answer, mikshaw.

I am using qemu to boot "DSL embedded" with both linux and windows (I don't know what O.S. will be installed in PCs where I work, it depends on...). Where do I have to write the "mydsl=somewhere" option?

On the other hand, I have read anymore and I have found one similar solution: there is a file "/opt/.mydsl_dir" (this directory is listed in "~/.filetool.lst", so you can modify it) where I can write the directory where my extensions are, I think that this directory has to be "mount", i.e. my "home backup" would be too big, and I think that it is unnecessary to backup extensions (they are on the web site).

There is another solution: I can run my-script from "/opt/bootlocal.sh" that is ran before X starts. In this script I mount one virtual disk, install the extensions that are saved in it, and umount the virtual disk. So, my "home space" (different virtual disk) is small (only text file: small c programs), and when I finished my "DSL embedded" session, my "home backup" (only my data backup) is quick.

I don't know if I have get to explain it...

Kind Regards.

The mydsl= is a cheatcode/bootcode.  See the wiki page on cheatcodes for more info.

original here.