Hi. Can you tell me - is there a way of making the desktop icons smaller ( as well as text)...I'm used to a more 'OS9' way ;) increase the resolution
That's the quick an' dirty solution. Font size can be made smaller by editing fonts.alias (don't remember where it is, use find) for the "fixed" font. It is the default font, just change that number that looks like a font size to smaller one..
As for icons, only 1 size of each is included. Imagemagick has good quality resize filters ;)Thanks. I couldn't get 1280x1024 before but I can now using Xvesa on the menu. I couldn't get this res before.
I'm used to a more 'OS9' way
Posted this the other day. You might appreciate it (I removed the icon shadows, though). http://lucky13.blogsavy.com/mac-ish-roxtop/Wow! That looks great ( I would say that!). Lucky 13...how did you get those icons to appear ( like CD Rom / folders) - I want to do exactly what you've done!
I've always felt OS9 had the best look to it - lots of real estate and I love platinum. I can't stand the antialiased OS X - all that Web 2 stuff - give us old skool any day of the week!Next Page...
original here.