Gnu-utils and gcc1-with-libs..okee...and than I load the package with the sources (Source .gz (?) ) and form mydsl also xfree86-devel and lmlib2-devel (?) and than?Unpack it, type
./configure make make install
This is the standard procedure..Could you please make a complete list of things I need to do beacause I'm afraid of destroying everything and it's so new to me ;) Just every single step. Which files I download what I do whith them how I do it what I tipe (and please in a cronologic order) =) it wold be very nice thxwell, I'll try
get gnu-utils and gcc1-with-libs from mydsl. After that you can compile apps. Then get the source (from that 3ddesk site) and unpack it (if it's .tar.gz, "tar -xzf tarball", if it's .tar.bz2 "tar -xjf tarball) Now there's a new directory, probably called 3ddesk-someversion. Cd there. Then type "./configure --help" and see if you need to change any options (probably not..) Then "./configure", "make", "make install"
You have now compiled and installed a program.. I cannot help further, as the last time I used 3ddesk was about a half year ago, don't remember anymore :PNext Page...
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