X and Fluxbox :: Other keyboard question (logitech keyboard)

I use DSL (V 0.8.4) on 2 PC's (with a usb-stick). One is at home (logitech multi-media keyboard), the other at work (Hp-keyboard-0133)

At home the alt-F5/alt-F6 (keybinding in Fluxbox) doesn't respond (it does respond at work though).

I guess fluxbox doesn't "understand" all the keys of my logitech keyboard. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? AND When i have fixed it, will all the keys on my HP-keyboard still be usable? (or will i have to make script to activate a certain keyboard?)

You could probably map these keys manually.  I've got a logitech multimedia keyboard that required manually setting the extra buttons.

Use xev to find out the keycode for each of the non-working keys.  Then you can add those to ~/.Xmodmap and run "xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap" from ~/.xinitrc.

Thnx Mikshaw (i didn't know about xmodmap)

By the way: one of the developers of Fluxbox was interrested in my proposal to autohide the fluxbox-menu somehow. Maybe in the next fluxbox....

groovy :D

original here.